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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

Troy, USA: Fertile Ground 2021 Premiere

01/31/21 Online

by Don Wilson Glenn & Dmae Roberts

directed by Lawrence Siulagi

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Show Dates & Times

  • February 15, 2021

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Troy, USA is now available to watch online!


Watch the virtual production above! Or view it on the official Fertile Ground Festival Facebook page or YouTube channel.

We are incredibly honored to announce that Troy, USA by Don Wilson Glenn & Dmae Roberts will premiere in the 2021 Fertile Ground Festival of New Works!

Welcome to Troy, USA, 1973, where tensions are high, draft cards are burning, and protests are rampant. A Chorus of historic activists and organizers guides us through this world premiere adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, examining war, race, class, oppression, betrayal, and just how far we will go for love. Featuring striking imagery, soulful music, and a powerful multi-racial ensemble cast, Troy, USA marks the first major collaboration between playwrights Don Wilson Glenn and Dmae Roberts, and the third commission of Bag&Baggage Productions’ Problem Play Project, supported by the Meyer Memorial Trust. For this Fertile Ground presentation, we offer you a virtual window into the script mid-way through the development process, directed by B&B Resident Artist Lawrence Siulagi.