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Ticket Cost: Free!

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This classic French comedy by Moliere invites us into the home of a wealthy family caught in the trap of the new money and intriguing character in town, Tartuffe. Tartuffe is a textbook on modern comedy that forces us to take a good look at the most pious among us and ask more questions.



This production is presented free of charge to the community of Hillsboro in partnership with the City of Hillsboro Parks & Recreation Department.


A note from director Nik Whitcomb!

What a joy it is to welcome you all to the final production of this incredible season of re-emergence for Bag&Baggage. It seems even more fitting that we are returning to true form and doing a classic play outdoors in the Tom Hughes Civic Center Plaza!
For those that may be new to us, it has been three seasons since we have parked a show here at the Plaza and it feels even more special this time around since we are launching into season 20 in just a few months! We hope you enjoy this classic offering and chance to connect with our lovely community in yet another exciting way!
Tartuffe is a hilarious French comedy that doesn’t need much updating to speak to today. Even still, our production bring us forward many centuries beyond the time of Moliere and plops the story in 1930s America. The country was in the midst of a depression and conmen were more easily able to prey on the wealthy. This was also a critical moment for women in American history. By bringing this play to a more modern time I hoped to empower the strong female characters in the play to really run the show!
Tonight I hope you laugh until you cry AND have something to discuss on the car ride home! And then I hope you are inspired to join us again for another exciting season of theatre here at B&B in the fall!
In Community,
Nik Whitcomb
Producing Artistic Director
Bag&Baggage Productions