Bag&Baggage is proud to partner with the Hillsboro School District’s “College and Career Pathways” program, which gives high school students from Hillsboro the opportunity to explore future career and educational interests via internships with local businesses and organizations. Over the past few months, B&B has developed a series of theatre-related internships for students, including theatre criticism, stage management, lighting and sound design and…most recently…photojournalism.
During the rehearsal process for Our Country’s Good, three high school students had the chance to visit us at The Venetian and take candid photos of the actors and crew during rehearsals. The results? Nothing short of amazing! We are so proud to be a part of this program, and proud of our three interns who did such a great job!
“Holla, my name is Karina Sanchez!
I am a Junior attending Hillsboro High School striving to be a Pharmacist or a Professional Photographer. I really love to paint and when I took Digital Photography I fell in love. I always adored going to the zoo and taking pictures of the animals or just going out when I’m traveling and taking pictures of the scenery. I enjoy photography because it’s another outlet in which I can express myself.”
“Hello, my name is Ruby Guevara!
I am a senior at Hillsboro High School and striving to one day become a professional photographer. Throughout high school, I have been involved in the Graphic Arts focus program of study and have taken classes such as Graphic Design, Art, and Digital Photography. I have always loved photography for as long as I can remember. At a very young age I was put in charge of the family camera and I look back to when my mother always said “Ruby! Go get the camera!” at family gatherings. I eventually started to take the camera out myself without her having to tell me. Photography became a passion of mine and I am always looking to improve. “
“Hi my name is Kevin Pham, I am currently 17 years old and a Junior at Hillsboro High School. What I love most about photography is that for every photo I take, I can look back at all of my memories I’ve made and cherish them in the future. Photography will always be a passion of mine and I strive to improve everyday.”
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