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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

Sequestered Soliloquies IV: Special Delivery

09/20/20 Online

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Show Dates & Times

  • September 20, 2020 @ 7:00 pm

As wildfires are making their way through our region, we’ve decided to hold off our stream of Sequestered Soliloquies IV until next Sunday, September 20th at 7:00pm. We know that creating art in the face of anxiety and adversity can be a powerful salve, so some of our artists will still be creating work this weekend, while some will be waiting until next weekend when we can all (hopefully) breathe a little easier. Regardless, we hope you mark your calendars to join us on the 20th, and in the meantime stay safe and well. If you’re looking for a way to help those suffering in our community, consider making a donation to the American Red Cross – you can select “Western Wildfires” from the dropdown menu on their website.



The Post Office has been getting a lot of attention these days – whether you’ve rediscovered letter-writing during the pandemic, become an online-shopping addict, or are simply preparing to exercise your democratic rights this November. We’re giving the USPS a little love – and sending YOU a virtual care package of sorts – with our next round of Sequestered Soliloquies! Ten teams (playwright, actor, and director) will create, rehearse, and perform brand-new monologues, streamed directly to your screens on B&B’s Facebook page starting at 7:00pm on Sunday, September 20th. If you can’t catch us live on Sunday evening, don’t worry: a full video of all the performances will be available on our website for anytime viewing. The theme of this fourth round of Sequestered Soliloquies is “Special Delivery,”  featuring one line in every monologue taken from a famous piece of correspondence – see if you can figure out which ones they are! 


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