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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

empty spaces by Renee’ Flemings

Graphic draft for empty spaces

Ticket Cost: Suggested $10 donation

Show Dates & Times

  • Thursday, April 18 @ 7:00 pm

2022 Recipient of the AGE Legacy Playwrights Grant
Mara’s already complicated life gets turned upside down when her teenage daughter Jazmine goes missing. As Mara fights through various systems in an effort to be seen and locate her missing child we watch Jazmine’s life spiral in ways she could never imagine after she falls in with the wrong crowd in her own struggle to survive. “empty spaces” explores the ways in which society responds, or doesn’t, when a Black woman goes missing.

This play includes mention of drug & alcohol use, sexual trafficking, and tense interactions with authority. Please watch with care.