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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

Bell, Book and Candle

11/29/18 - 12/23/18 The Vault Theater & Event Space

by John Van Druten

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Usher in the holidays with a classic romantic comedy filled with magic, charm, and just a little touch of witchcraft! John Van Druten’s 1950 play inspired the hugely popular film starring Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart, and one of the most popular television shows in history, Bewitched!

Gillian Holroyd, a witch living in Greenwich Village, has fallen in love with her neighbor… a serious problem for witches, who must give up their powers if they fall in love with a mere mortal! When Gillian finds out he is going to marry an old college rival, she casts a love spell on him which (of course) backfires! Will Gillian give up her powers for a shot at happiness, or will she lose her last chance at love? Find out this holiday season in a production that takes full advantage of The Vault’s magical technology!

John Van Druten’s frothy romantic comedy casts a potent spell… clever, cunning, and filled with otherworldly sophistication…thoroughly enjoyable!” 

– Leah Frank, The New York Times