Wyatt Fisher


Wyatt Fisher

Wyatt has just earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University. This is his first Bag&Baggage production and first production out of Undergrad! On the stage at the OCA, Wyatt has performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (as Oberon); The Lady’s not for Burning (as Thomas Mendip); Everybody (as a Somebody) and Alcestis (as Herakles). Other favorite roles of his include Heathers: The Musical (as Ram’s Dad); Fuddy Meers (as the Limping Man) and The Crucible (as John Proctor). Wyatt is currently based in Ashland, Oregon, but is making the daunting decision of where to move next in the wonderful journey of acting. Wyatt is so deeply grateful for the endless support of his Mom, Dad, siblings, and the myriad of others who have helped him along the way.