Laura John


Laura John

Laura John (Blackfeet and Seneca Nations) is a proud graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in American Indian Studies. She also holds advanced degrees from Washington State University and the University of Montana. Laura’s passion for acting began in childhood, nurtured by classes at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in Portland, Oregon. Her last stage appearance was portraying a Native American woman in The Vagina Monologues at Washington State University. Since then, she has occasionally worked in film, including as a stand-in and extra in Jimmy P, filmed on the Blackfeet Reservation in Browning, Montana. Until recently, Laura served as the first Tribal Relations Director for the City of Portland and is now the owner of Many Victories Consulting LLC, where she advises and coordinates with clients seeking to build culturally-responsive and respectful relationships with tribal governments and Native communities.