Barry Carman


Barry Carman

Barry Carman is a director, dramaturg, deviser, and administrator with a couple decades experience in the field. He is the co-founder and former artistic director of Witching Hour, a devised theater ensemble. He is a former core company member of Out of Hand Theater, an Atlanta-based company working at the intersection of art, social justice, and civic engagement. Some favorite directing credits include: Heroes of the Fourth TurningEscaped Alone, Wakey, Wakey, 2012 (Witching Hour), The SHOW! (Out of Hand Theater), and any number of rad plays developed at the Great Plains Theatre Commons. He is queer, formerly incarcerated, formerly unhoused, and formerly unhinged. He is a fierce advocate for new play development, human-centered production values, and dogs. Barry is a member of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of America and has served on the review panel for the NEA’s Arts Projects grant program. He is super proud to serve on the board of AnastasisTheatre Company, and super thrilled to join the staff of Bag&Baggage.