As the next installment in our discussion series, we bring you The Lost Boys of Portlandia, a short, locally-made documentary focusing on Portland’s houseless youth. The iconic story of Peter Pan is a catalyst for exploring the relationship of children and parents, coming of age, and the ethics of rebellion, resistance, and acquiescence — all from the viewpoint of youth who live on the Portland streets. As they debate if and how to return to mainstream society – to a world that threw them away – we gain insight into their complex humanity, beyond the usual stereotypes. Shining a light on one of our region’s most pressing social issues, The Lost Boys of Portlandia is also the origin story and inspiration for Outside the Frame, an organization that trains houseless and marginalized youth to be the directors of their own films and lives.
For this event, we’re thrilled to be joined by Outside the Frame filmmakers, including youth who have experienced homelessness, and Nili Yosha, the Executive Director of Outside the Frame and the director of The Lost Boys of Portlandia.
Learn more about Outside the Frame and support their work here.