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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

Brave Space: Homelessness and What We Can All Do

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  • May 19, 2019 @ 10:00 am

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The last Brave Space of the 18/19 Season will take place on Sunday, May 19th. Before regularly scheduled Sunday matinee, for Peter/Wendy from 10 AM-11: 30 AM. Our guest speaker will be welcomed to The Vault, and offered the chance to tell us their stories, to lift their voices, and give us all the benefit of their lives, and experiences. Our attendees are asked to give these voices their full attention, to be present, and to listen with love, respect, and kindness. There will be discussions or an opportunity to engage in questions and answers.


DATE: May 19th , 2019

TIME: 10am-11:30am

LOCATION: Bag&Baggage at The Vault Theater

SUBJECT: Homelessness and what we can ALL do to make a difference.


SPEAKER: Our Guest has lived homeless on varying degrees. Experienced state ran shelters, sleeping out of abandoned buildings, illegal break-ins, and the streets. Their experience is first hand and they want YOU to be involved this round.


Put your thinking caps on we will be discussing major problems and possible solutions to homelessness across our nation.


Please make sure you RSVP for this event by emailing victoria@bagnbaggage.org