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Bag&Baggage Productions Proudly Presents...

*Canceled* The Measure of Innocence

03/05/20 - 03/22/20 The Vault Theater & Event Space

by Anya Pearson

adapted from William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure

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Due to rising health concerns, the remaining performances of The Measure of Innocence have been canceled.


“Some rise by sin, some by virtue fall.” Drawing on Shakespeare’s inherent genius for seamlessly blending the comic and the tragic, Portland-based playwright Anya Pearson (Made to Dance in Burning Buildings) adds her own unique command of language, humor, and social insight to this story, reimagining Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure through the all-too-relevant lens of the systemically unjust criminal justice system and the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement. Set in our current fractured political landscape, The Measure of Innocence is a captivating new dramedy about the dichotomy between corruption and humanity, morality and mercy, directed by New York-based theatre artist Wednesday Sue Derrico. This is the second world premiere commission of Bag&Baggage’s nationally-acclaimed Problem Play Project series, supported by the Meyer Memorial Trust.